Counter-Terrorist «The Skrivan Mission Pack

Автор: chessclubreject
Команда: Counter-Terrorist
Имя в игре: Skrivan Mission Pack
Каталог: Skrivan_Mission-Pack
Nowadays, every Mission Pack has to have a gimmick to make it stand out from the other mission packs. Offten that means the packs end up at around 200 MB, but this one is only 9 MB. So what is this pack’s gimmick? It’s a good one — in a word, variety. Each tour has one DE map, one CS map and one other map. This makes for some refreshing play, when compared to the endless DEs and occasional CSes that most packs are made up of. One minute you’re defusing bombs, then you’re saving hostages, and then you’re playing he_dodgeball_cz! There are 6 tours, and on top of that there are 50 allied bots (a new record high) to choose from, 10 at each skill level — which means you have more choice in who goes in your team (you could have a team of AWPers, for example!). This pack isn’t exactly easy, either. So, in summary: Tough pack, lots of variety, medium download size. Good work
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